"currency": Currency,
"currencyMode": "multi",
"externalId": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1",
"id": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1",
"ledgerAccounts": LedgerAccountsConnection,
"link": Link,
"linkId": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1",
"name": "abc123",
"txs": TxsConnection
Field Name | Description |
currency - Currency | The currency of this external account. |
currencyMode - CurrencyMode! | Indicates if the account allows multiple currencies or is restricted to a single currency |
externalId - ID! | ID used for the external account |
id - ID! | FRAGMENT ID of External Account |
ledgerAccounts - LedgerAccountsConnection! | Ledger Accounts linked to this External Account. Ledger Accounts are paginated and sorted in reverse-chronological order by created date. |
Arguments after - String Where to start paginating from, when paginating forwards. Send endCursor from a response to get its next page. Learn more about pagination. before - String Where to start paginating from, when paginating backwards. Send startCursor from a response to get the previous page. Learn more about pagination. first - Int The number of Ledger Accounts to return per page, when paginating forwards. Defaults to 20, maximum is 200. last - Int The number of Ledger Accounts to return per page, when paginating backwards. Defaults to 20, maximum is 200. | |
link - Link! | The Link that this External Account belongs to. |
linkId - ID! | FRAGMENT ID of this transaction's external link |
name - String! | |
txs - TxsConnection! | All Txs in this External Account. |
Arguments after - String Where to start paginating from, when paginating forwards. Send endCursor from a response to get its next page. Learn more about pagination. before - String Where to start paginating from, when paginating backwards. Send startCursor from a response to get the previous page. Learn more about pagination. first - Int The number of transactions to return per page, when paginating forwards. Defaults to 20, maximum is 200. last - Int The number of transactions to return per page, when paginating backwards. Defaults to 20, maximum is 200. |
Ledgers are databases designed for managing money
"balanceUTCOffset": "-08:00",
"created": "2007-12-03T10:15:30Z",
"dashboardUrl": "abc123",
"id": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1",
"ik": "some-safe-string-ik",
"ledgerAccounts": LedgerAccountsConnection,
"ledgerEntries": LedgerEntriesConnection,
"ledgerEntryGroup": LedgerEntryGroup,
"ledgerEntryGroups": LedgerEntryGroupsConnection,
"migrations": LedgerMigrationConnection,
"name": "abc123",
"schema": Schema,
"type": "double",
"workspaceId": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1"
Field Name | Description |
balanceUTCOffset - UTCOffset! | When aggregating balances, all transactions within a 24 hour period starting at midnight UTC plus this offset are included in each day. |
created - DateTime! | |
dashboardUrl - String! | URL to the FRAGMENT Dashboard for this Ledger. |
id - ID! | |
ik - SafeString! | The IK passed into the createLedger mutation. This is treated as a unique identifier for this Ledger. |
ledgerAccounts - LedgerAccountsConnection! | Query LedgerAccounts in Ledger. Ledger Accounts are paginated and returned in reverse-chronological order by their created date. |
Arguments after - String Where to start paginating from, when paginating forwards. Send endCursor from a response to get its next page. Learn more about pagination. before - String Where to start paginating from, when paginating backwards. Send startCursor from a response to get the previous page. Learn more about pagination. filter - LedgerAccountsFilterSet Filter the Ledger Accounts returned. Learn more about querying Ledger Accounts. first - Int The number of Ledger Accounts to return per page, when paginating forwards. Defaults to 20, maximum is 200. last - Int The number of Ledger Accounts to return per page, when paginating backwards. Defaults to 20, maximum is 200. | |
ledgerEntries - LedgerEntriesConnection! | Query Ledger Entries in a Ledger. Ledger Entries are paginated and sorted in reverse-chronological order by posted date. |
Arguments after - String Where to start paginating from, when paginating forwards. Send endCursor from a response to get its next page. Learn more about pagination. before - String Where to start paginating from, when paginating backwards. Send startCursor from a response to get the previous page. Learn more about pagination. filter - LedgerEntriesFilterSet Filter the Ledger Entries returned. Learn more about querying Ledger Entries. first - Int The number of Ledger Entries to return per page, when paginating forwards. Defaults to 20, maximum is 200. last - Int The number of Ledger Entries to return per page, when paginating backwards. Defaults to 20, maximum is 200. | |
ledgerEntryGroup - LedgerEntryGroup! | Query a Ledger Entry Group for this Ledger given its key and value. |
Arguments ledgerEntryGroup - EntryGroupMatchInput! | |
ledgerEntryGroups - LedgerEntryGroupsConnection! | Query LedgerEntryGroups in Ledger. Ledger Entry Groups are paginated and returned in order lexigraphically key then inverse chronologically by created. |
Arguments after - String Where to start paginating from, when paginating forwards. Send endCursor from a response to get its next page. Learn more about pagination. before - String Where to start paginating from, when paginating backwards. Send startCursor from a response to get the previous page. Learn more about pagination. filter - LedgerEntryGroupsFilterSet Filter the Ledger Entry Groups returned. first - Int The number of Ledger Entry Groups to return per page, when paginating forwards. Defaults to 20, maximum is 200. last - Int The number of Ledger Entry Groups to return per page, when paginating backwards. Defaults to 20, maximum is 200. | |
migrations - LedgerMigrationConnection! | Schema migrations affecting this Ledger. |
name - String! | The name of the Ledger. Can be updated with the updateLedger mutation. |
schema - Schema | Schema key associated with this Ledger. |
type - LedgerTypes! | |
workspaceId - ID! | Callers should not need to query or store this value. |
A ledger account is a container for money
"balance": "999999999999",
"balanceChange": "999999999999",
"balanceChanges": CurrencyAmountConnection,
"balanceChangesDuring": BalanceChangeDuringConnection,
"balances": CurrencyAmountConnection,
"balancesDuring": HistoricalBalanceConnection,
"childBalance": "999999999999",
"childBalanceChange": "999999999999",
"childBalanceChanges": CurrencyAmountConnection,
"childBalanceChangesDuring": BalanceChangeDuringConnection,
"childBalances": CurrencyAmountConnection,
"childBalancesDuring": HistoricalBalanceConnection,
"childLedgerAccounts": LedgerAccountsConnection,
"consistencyConfig": LedgerAccountConsistencyConfig,
"created": "2007-12-03T10:15:30Z",
"currency": Currency,
"currencyMode": "multi",
"dashboardUrl": "abc123",
"id": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1",
"ik": "abc123",
"ledger": Ledger,
"ledgerId": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1",
"lines": LedgerLinesConnection,
"link": Link,
"linkedAccount": ExternalAccount,
"name": "abc123",
"ownBalance": "999999999999",
"ownBalanceChange": "999999999999",
"ownBalanceChanges": CurrencyAmountConnection,
"ownBalanceChangesDuring": BalanceChangeDuringConnection,
"ownBalances": CurrencyAmountConnection,
"ownBalancesDuring": HistoricalBalanceConnection,
"parentLedgerAccount": LedgerAccount,
"parentLedgerAccountId": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1",
"path": "abc123",
"type": "asset",
"unreconciledTxs": TxsConnection,
"workspaceId": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1"
Field Name | Description |
balance - Int96! | Total of all lines in this ledger account and child ledger accounts of the same currency as this ledger account |
Arguments at - LastMoment Provide a timestamp to get this balance at a specific logical time. If not specified, the latest value will be returned e.g. 1969 or 1969-07 or 1969-07-03 or 1969-07-21T02 currency - CurrencyMatchInput The currency of the balance to query. Required if the account is a multi-currency Ledger Account or if the the Ledger Account has child Ledger Accounts with different currencies. | |
balanceChange - Int96! | How much did the this ledger account's balance change during the specified period. This query will include all child accounts in the same currency as this ledger account. |
Arguments currency - CurrencyMatchInput The currency of the balance change to query. Required if the account is a multi-currency Ledger Account or if the the Ledger Account has child Ledger Accounts with different currencies. period - Period! Specifies the period of time over which this query will calculate the balance difference e.g. 1969 or 1969-Q3 or 1969-07 or 1969-07-21 or 1969-07-21T02 | |
balanceChanges - CurrencyAmountConnection! | How much did the this ledger account's balances change during the specified period. This query will include all child accounts of all currencies. |
Arguments period - Period! Specifies the period of time over which this query will calculate the balance difference e.g. 1969 or 1969-Q3 or 1969-07 or 1969-07-21 or 1969-07-21T02 | |
balanceChangesDuring - BalanceChangeDuringConnection! | How much did the ledger account's balances change over a time period with a specified granularity. For example, if the period is 1969-07 and the granularity is daily, the query will return the balance changes for each day in the month. |
Arguments currency - CurrencyMatchInput The currency of the balance changes to query. Required if the account is a multi-currency Ledger Account. duration - Int! The duration of the period to query in units of the granularity. The duration can be positive or negative. Negative durations will return the balance changes for the period before the startTime. granularity - Granularity! The granularity of the balance changes to query. For yearly or quarterly periods, the granularity should be "monthly", "daily", or "hourly". For monthly periods, the granularity should be "daily" or "hourly". For daily periods, the granularity should be "hourly". startTime - FirstMoment! Specifies the start time from which to calculate the balance differences for the given duration e.g. 1969 or 1969-Q3 or 1969-07 or 1969-07-21 or 1969-07-21T02 | |
balances - CurrencyAmountConnection! | Total of all lines in this ledger account and child ledger accounts in all currencies |
Arguments at - LastMoment Provide a timestamp to get this balance at a specific logical time. If not specified, the latest value will be returned e.g. 1969 or 1969-07 or 1969-07-21 or 1969-07-21T02 | |
balancesDuring - HistoricalBalanceConnection! | The ledger account's balances over a time period with a specified granularity. For example, if the period is 1969-07 and the granularity is daily, the query will return the balance for each day in the month. |
Arguments currency - CurrencyMatchInput The currency of the balance changes to query. Required if the account is a multi-currency Ledger Account. duration - Int! The duration of the period to query in units of the granularity. The duration can be positive or negative. Negative durations will return the balance changes for the period before the startTime. granularity - Granularity! The granularity of the balance changes to query. For yearly or quarterly periods, the granularity should be "monthly", "daily", or "hourly". For monthly periods, the granularity should be "daily" or "hourly". For daily periods, the granularity should be "hourly". startTime - FirstMoment! Specifies the start time from which to calculate the balance differences for the given duration e.g. 1969 or 1969-Q3 or 1969-07 or 1969-07-21 or 1969-07-21T02 | |
childBalance - Int96! | Total of all lines in child ledger accounts of the same currency as this ledger account |
Arguments at - LastMoment Provide a timestamp to get this balance at a specific logical time. If not specified, the latest value will be returned e.g. 1969 or 1969-07 or 1969-07-21 or 1969-07-21T02 currency - CurrencyMatchInput The currency of the balance to query. Required if the Ledger Account has child Ledger Accounts with different currencies. | |
childBalanceChange - Int96! | How much did the this ledger account's childBalance change during the specified period. This query will only include child accounts which are in the same currency as this one. See childBalanceChanges to include children of different currencies. |
Arguments currency - CurrencyMatchInput The currency of the balance change to query. Required if the Ledger Account has child Ledger Accounts with different currencies. period - Period! Specifies the period of time over which this query will calculate the balance difference e.g. 1969 or 1969-Q3 or 1969-07 or 1969-07-21 or 1969-07-21T02. | |
childBalanceChanges - CurrencyAmountConnection! | How much did the this ledger account's child accounts' balances change during the specified period. This query will include all child accounts of all currencies. |
Arguments period - Period! Specifies the period of time over which this query will calculate the balance difference e.g. 1969 or 1969-Q3 or 1969-07 or 1969-07-21 or 1969-07-21T02 | |
childBalanceChangesDuring - BalanceChangeDuringConnection! | How much did the ledger account's childBalances change over a time period with a specified granularity. For example, if the period is 1969-07 and the granularity is daily, the query will return the balance changes for each day in the month. |
Arguments currency - CurrencyMatchInput The currency of the balance changes to query. Required if the account is a multi-currency Ledger Account. duration - Int! The duration of the period to query in units of the granularity. The duration can be positive or negative. Negative durations will return the balance changes for the period before the startTime. granularity - Granularity! The granularity of the balance changes to query. For yearly or quarterly periods, the granularity should be "monthly", "daily", or "hourly". For monthly periods, the granularity should be "daily" or "hourly". For daily periods, the granularity should be "hourly". startTime - FirstMoment! Specifies the start time from which to calculate the balance differences for the given duration e.g. 1969 or 1969-Q3 or 1969-07 or 1969-07-21 or 1969-07-21T02 | |
childBalances - CurrencyAmountConnection! | Total of all lines in child ledger accounts of this ledger in all currencies |
Arguments at - LastMoment Provide a timestamp to get this balance at a specific logical time. If not specified, the latest value will be returned e.g. 1969 or 1969-07 or 1969-07-21 or 1969-07-21T02 | |
childBalancesDuring - HistoricalBalanceConnection! | The ledger account's childBalances over a time period with a specified granularity. For example, if the period is 1969-07 and the granularity is daily, the query will return the balance for each day in the month. |
Arguments currency - CurrencyMatchInput The currency of the balance changes to query. Required if the account is a multi-currency Ledger Account. duration - Int! The duration of the period to query in units of the granularity. The duration can be positive or negative. Negative durations will return the balance changes for the period before the startTime. granularity - Granularity! The granularity of the balance changes to query. For yearly or quarterly periods, the granularity should be "monthly", "daily", or "hourly". For monthly periods, the granularity should be "daily" or "hourly". For daily periods, the granularity should be "hourly". startTime - FirstMoment! Specifies the start time from which to calculate the balance differences for the given duration e.g. 1969 or 1969-Q3 or 1969-07 or 1969-07-21 or 1969-07-21T02 | |
childLedgerAccounts - LedgerAccountsConnection! | The child Ledger Accounts of this Ledger Accountw |
Arguments after - String Where to start paginating from, when paginating forwards. Send endCursor from a response to get its next page. Learn more about pagination. before - String Where to start paginating from, when paginating backwards. Send startCursor from a response to get the previous page. Learn more about pagination. first - Int The number of Child Ledger Accounts to return per page, when paginating forwards. Defaults to 20, maximum is 200. last - Int The number of Child Ledger Accounts to return per page, when paginating backwards. Defaults to 20, maximum is 200. | |
consistencyConfig - LedgerAccountConsistencyConfig! | The consistency configuration for this Ledger Account. This defines how updates to this Ledger Account's ownBalance are handled. |
created - DateTime! | |
currency - Currency | Currency of this ledger account |
currencyMode - CurrencyMode! | Indicates if the account allows multiple currencies or is restricted to a single currency |
dashboardUrl - String! | URL to the FRAGMENT Dashboard for this Ledger Account. |
id - ID! | |
ik - String! | The idempotency key used to create this account |
ledger - Ledger! | Ledger this account is in |
ledgerId - ID! | ID of the ledger this account is in |
lines - LedgerLinesConnection! | List Ledger Lines in this account, sorted by posted in reverse chronological order. Does not include Ledger Lines from child Ledger Accounts. |
Arguments after - String Where to start paginating from, when paginating forwards. Send endCursor from a response to get its next page. Learn more about pagination. before - String Where to start paginating from, when paginating backwards. Send startCursor from a response to get the previous page. Learn more about pagination. filter - LedgerLinesFilterSet Filter the Ledger Lines returned. Learn more about querying Ledger Lines. first - Int The number of Ledger Lines to return per page, when paginating forwards. Defaults to 20, maximum is 200. last - Int The number of Ledger Lines to return per page, when paginating backwards. Defaults to 20, maximum is 200. | |
link - Link | The Link for the External Account that is linked to this ledger account |
linkedAccount - ExternalAccount | External Account that is linked to this ledger account |
name - String | The name of your Ledger Account |
ownBalance - Int96! | Total of all lines in this ledger account, excluding all child ledger accounts |
Arguments at - LastMoment Provide a timestamp to get this balance at a specific logical time. If not specified, the latest value will be returned e.g. 1969 or 1969-07 or 1969-07-21 or 1969-07-21T02 consistencyMode - ReadBalanceConsistencyMode * eventual: Returns an eventually consistent balance, even if the Ledger Account's ownBalanceUpdates in its consistencyConfig is strong (default). * strong: Returns a strongly consistent balance or an error if the Ledger Account's ownBalanceUpdates in its consistencyConfig is eventual. * use_account: Returns a strongly consistent balance if the Ledger Account's ownBalanceUpdates in its consistencyConfig is strong and an eventually consistent balance otherwise. currency - CurrencyMatchInput The currency of the balance to query. Required if the account is a multi-currency Ledger Account. | |
ownBalanceChange - Int96! | How much did the this ledger account's ownBalance change during the specified period. This query will exclude all child accounts. |
Arguments currency - CurrencyMatchInput The currency of the balance change to query. Required if the account is a multi-currency Ledger Account. period - Period! Specifies the period of time over which this query will calculate the balance difference e.g. 1969 or 1969-Q3 or 1969-07 or 1969-07-21 or 1969-07-21T02 | |
ownBalanceChanges - CurrencyAmountConnection! | How much did the this ledger account's ownBalance change during the specified period. This is the total of all lines in this ledger account, excluding all child ledger accounts |
Arguments period - Period! Specifies the period of time over which this query will calculate the balance difference e.g. 1969 or 1969-Q3 or 1969-07 or 1969-07-21 or 1969-07-21T02 | |
ownBalanceChangesDuring - BalanceChangeDuringConnection! | How much did the ledger account's ownBalances change over a time period with a specified granularity. For example, if the period is 1969-07 and the granularity is daily, the query will return the balance changes for each day in the month. |
Arguments currency - CurrencyMatchInput The currency of the balance changes to query. Required if the account is a multi-currency Ledger Account. duration - Int! The duration of the period to query in units of the granularity. The duration can be positive or negative. Negative durations will return the balance changes for the period before the startTime. granularity - Granularity! The granularity of the balance changes to query. For yearly or quarterly periods, the granularity should be "monthly", "daily", or "hourly". For monthly periods, the granularity should be "daily" or "hourly". For daily periods, the granularity should be "hourly". startTime - FirstMoment! Specifies the start time from which to calculate the balance differences for the given duration e.g. 1969 or 1969-Q3 or 1969-07 or 1969-07-21 or 1969-07-21T02 | |
ownBalances - CurrencyAmountConnection! | Total of all lines across all currencies in this ledger account, excluding all child ledger accounts |
Arguments at - LastMoment Provide a timestamp to get this balance at a specific logical time. If not specified, the latest value will be returned e.g. 1969 or 1969-07 or 1969-07-21 or 1969-07-21T02 consistencyMode - ReadBalanceConsistencyMode * eventual: Returns an eventually consistent balance, even if the Ledger Account's ownBalanceUpdates in its consistencyConfig is strong (default). * strong: Returns a strongly consistent balance or an error if the Ledger Account's ownBalanceUpdates in its consistencyConfig is eventual. * use_account: Returns a strongly consistent balance if the Ledger Account's ownBalanceUpdates in its consistencyConfig is strong and an eventually consistent balance otherwise. | |
ownBalancesDuring - HistoricalBalanceConnection! | The ledger account's ownBalances over a time period with a specified granularity. For example, if the period is 1969-07 and the granularity is daily, the query will return the balance for each day in the month. |
Arguments currency - CurrencyMatchInput The currency of the balance changes to query. Required if the account is a multi-currency Ledger Account. duration - Int! The duration of the period to query in units of the granularity. The duration can be positive or negative. Negative durations will return the balance changes for the period before the startTime. granularity - Granularity! The granularity of the balance changes to query. For yearly or quarterly periods, the granularity should be "monthly", "daily", or "hourly". For monthly periods, the granularity should be "daily" or "hourly". For daily periods, the granularity should be "hourly". startTime - FirstMoment! Specifies the start time from which to calculate the balance differences for the given duration e.g. 1969 or 1969-Q3 or 1969-07 or 1969-07-21 or 1969-07-21T02 | |
parentLedgerAccount - LedgerAccount | The parent ledger account of this ledger account |
parentLedgerAccountId - ID | ID of the parent ledger account of this ledger account |
path - String! | The unique Path of the ledger account. This is a slash-delimited string containing the location of an account in its chart of accounts. For accounts created with a schema, this will be composed of account keys. Else, for accounts created with the createLedgerAccounts API, this will be composed of the IKs of an account and its ancestors. |
type - LedgerAccountTypes! | |
unreconciledTxs - TxsConnection! | A list of external account transactions that haven't been reconciled to this ledger account yet. Only populated for linked ledger accounts. Transactions are sorted in reverse chronological order by posted date. |
Arguments after - String Where to start paginating from, when paginating forwards. Send endCursor from a response to get its next page. Learn more about pagination. before - String Where to start paginating from, when paginating backwards. Send startCursor from a response to get the previous page. Learn more about pagination. first - Int The number of unreconciled transactions to return per page, when paginating forwards. Defaults to 20, maximum is 200. last - Int The number of unreconciled transactions to return per page, when paginating backwards. Defaults to 20, maximum is 200. | |
workspaceId - ID! | Callers should not need to query or store this value. |
"conditions": [LedgerEntryCondition],
"created": "2007-12-03T10:15:30Z",
"dashboardUrl": "abc123",
"date": "2022-03-28",
"description": "abc123",
"groups": [LedgerEntryGroup],
"id": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1",
"ik": "abc123",
"isReversal": true,
"isReversed": true,
"isSuppressed": true,
"ledger": Ledger,
"ledgerId": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1",
"lines": LedgerLinesConnection,
"parameters": {"bank_name": "bank-name", "deposit_amount": "10000"},
"posted": "2007-12-03T10:15:30Z",
"reversalHistory": LedgerEntriesConnection,
"reversalPosition": 2277,
"reversedBy": LedgerEntry,
"reverses": LedgerEntry,
"tags": [LedgerEntryTag],
"type": "some-safe-string-ik",
"workspaceId": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1"
Field Name | Description |
conditions - [LedgerEntryCondition!]! | The conditions that were satisfied by this Ledger Entry when it was posted. |
created - DateTime! | ISO-8601 timestamp this LedgerEntry was created in FRAGMENT . |
dashboardUrl - String! | URL to the FRAGMENT Dashboard for this Ledger Entry. |
date - Date! | Date this LedgerEntry posted to its Ledger e.g. "2021-01-01". |
description - String | Description posted for this Ledger Entry. |
groups - [LedgerEntryGroup!]! | The Ledger Entry Groups this Ledger Entry is in. |
id - ID! | The ID of this LedgerEntry. |
ik - String! | The idempotency key used to post this ledger entry |
isReversal - Boolean! | Indicates whether this Ledger Entry is a reversal of another Ledger Entry. If so, reverses will point to that Ledger Entry. |
isReversed - Boolean! | Indicates whether this Ledger Entry has been reversed by another Ledger Entry. If so, reversedBy will point to that Ledger Entry. |
isSuppressed - Boolean! | Indicates whether this Ledger Entry is suppressed when listing Ledger Entries. Reversed and Reversal Ledger Entries are suppressed by default because taken together they have no impact on a Ledger's balances. |
ledger - Ledger! | The Ledger that this Ledger Entry is posted to. |
ledgerId - ID! | The ID of the Ledger this Ledger Entry is posted to. |
lines - LedgerLinesConnection! | Lines posted in this Ledger Entry. |
parameters - Parameters | The parameters used to post this Ledger Entry. |
posted - DateTime! | ISO-8601 timestamp this LedgerEntry posted to its Ledger. |
reversalHistory - LedgerEntriesConnection! | The reversal history of this Ledger Entry. Each entry in this connection shares the same IK. |
reversalPosition - Int! | The position of this Ledger Entry in its reversalHistory. This is a one-indexed value, so the initial entry will have reversalPosition 1. |
reversedBy - LedgerEntry | The Ledger Entry that reversed this Ledger Entry. |
reverses - LedgerEntry | The Ledger Entry that was reversed by this Ledger Entry. |
tags - [LedgerEntryTag!]! | The set of tags attached to this Ledger Entry. |
type - SafeString | The type of the Ledger Entry. |
workspaceId - ID! | Callers should not need to query or store this value. |
"account": LedgerAccount,
"accountId": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1",
"amount": "999999999999",
"created": "2007-12-03T10:15:30Z",
"currency": Currency,
"date": "2022-03-28",
"description": "abc123",
"externalTransferId": "abc123",
"externalTransferType": "ach",
"externalTxId": "abc123",
"id": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1",
"isReversal": true,
"isReversed": true,
"isSuppressed": true,
"key": "abc123",
"ledger": Ledger,
"ledgerEntry": LedgerEntry,
"ledgerEntryId": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1",
"ledgerId": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1",
"otherTxExternalAccountExternalId": "abc123",
"otherTxExternalAccountId": "abc123",
"otherTxExternalId": "abc123",
"otherTxId": "abc123",
"posted": "2007-12-03T10:15:30Z",
"reversedBy": LedgerLine,
"reverses": LedgerLine,
"tx": Tx,
"txId": "abc123",
"type": "credit",
"workspaceId": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1"
Field Name | Description |
account - LedgerAccount! | LedgerAccount that contains this line |
accountId - ID! | |
amount - Int96! | How much this line's LedgerAccount's balance changed in integer cents (i.e. in USD 100 is 1 dollar, 100 cents) |
Arguments absolute - Boolean If the absolute flag is passed, amount will always a positive integer in cents. Refer to type to see if this LedgerLine increased or decreased it's LedgerAccount's balance | |
created - DateTime | ISO-8601 timestamp this LedgerLine was created in FRAGMENT |
currency - Currency | Currency of this LedgerLine |
date - Date | Date this LedgerLine posted to its LedgerAccount e.g. "2021-01-01" |
description - String | Description of this LedgerLine |
externalTransferId - String | ID in the external system of the payment or transfer that created the transaction linked to this LedgerLine |
externalTransferType - ExternalTransferType | Whether the transaction linked to this LedgerLine was a payment or transfer |
externalTxId - String | ID in the external system of the transaction linked to this LedgerLine |
id - ID! | |
isReversal - Boolean! | Indicates whether this Ledger Line is a reversal of another Ledger Line. If so, reverses will point to that Ledger Line. |
isReversed - Boolean! | Indicates whether this Ledger Line has been reversed by another Ledger Line. If so, reversedBy will point to that Ledger Line. |
isSuppressed - Boolean! | Indicates whether this Ledger Line is suppressed when listing Ledger Lines. Reversed and Reversal Ledger Lines are suppressed by default because taken together they have no impact on a Ledger Account's balance |
key - String | |
ledger - Ledger! | |
ledgerEntry - LedgerEntry! | LedgerEntry that contains this line |
ledgerEntryId - ID! | ID of the LedgerEntry that contains this line |
ledgerId - ID! | Ledger that contains this line |
otherTxExternalAccountExternalId - String | ID in the external system of destination or source bank account for an internal bank transfer. Only for internal bank transfers - see otherTxId |
otherTxExternalAccountId - String | FRAGMENT ID of destination or source bank account. Only for internal bank transfers - see otherTxId |
otherTxExternalId - String | ID in the external system of transaction in the destination or source bank account. Only for internal bank transfers - see otherTxId |
otherTxId - String | FRAGMENT ID of the transaction in the destination account (if sending money from this account) or source account (if pulling money into this account). Only applicable if this line is linked to a transaction created through an internal transfer |
posted - DateTime | ISO-8601 timestamp this LedgerLine posted to its LedgerAccount |
reversedBy - LedgerLine | The Ledger Line that reverses the balance changes of this Ledger Line. |
reverses - LedgerLine | The Ledger Line whose balance changes are reversed by this Ledger Line. |
tx - Tx | The transaction linked to this LedgerLine |
txId - String | FRAGMENT ID of the transaction linked to this LedgerLine |
type - TxType! | credit or debit |
workspaceId - ID! | Callers should not need to query or store this value. |
Represents a Schema being applied to a Ledger. It contains metadata about the Ledger, the Schema, and the status of the migration.
"ledger": Ledger,
"schemaVersion": SchemaVersion,
"status": "completed"
Field Name | Description |
ledger - Ledger! | The Ledger that the migration is run on. |
schemaVersion - SchemaVersion! | |
status - LedgerMigrationStatus! | The status of the Ledger Migration. |
"created": "abc123",
"dashboardUrl": "abc123",
"externalAccounts": ExternalAccountsConnection,
"id": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1",
"name": "abc123"
Field Name | Description |
created - String! | ISO-8601 timestamp when the Link was created. |
dashboardUrl - String! | URL to the FRAGMENT Dashboard for this Link. |
externalAccounts - ExternalAccountsConnection! | A list of External Accounts associated with this Link. |
id - ID! | FRAGMENT ID of the Link. |
name - String! | Name of the Link as it appears in the Dashboard. |
"key": "some-safe-string-ik",
"ledgers": LedgersConnection,
"name": "abc123",
"version": SchemaVersion,
"versions": SchemaVersionConnection
Field Name | Description |
key - SafeString! | The identifier for a Schema. key is unique to a Workspace. |
ledgers - LedgersConnection! | The paginated list of ledgers the Schema has been applied to. |
Arguments after - String Where to start paginating from, when paginating forwards. Send endCursor from a response to get its next page. Learn more about pagination. before - String Where to start paginating from, when paginating backwards. Send startCursor from a response to get the previous page. Learn more about pagination. first - Int The number of Ledgers to return per page, when paginating forwards. Defaults to 20, maximum is 200. last - Int The number of Ledgers to return per page, when paginating backwards. Defaults to 20, maximum is 200. | |
name - String! | The name of a Schema. It defaults to the key if not provided in your SchemaInput. |
version - SchemaVersion! | The metadata for a specific SchemaVersion. |
Arguments version - Int The version of the schema to retrieve. If this is not provided, the latest version will be returned. | |
versions - SchemaVersionConnection! | A paginated list of SchemaVersions. |
Arguments after - String Where to start paginating from, when paginating forwards. Send endCursor from a response to get its next page. Learn more about pagination. before - String Where to start paginating from, when paginating backwards. Send startCursor from a response to get the previous page. Learn more about pagination. first - Int The number of schema versions to return per page, when paginating forwards. Defaults to 20, maximum is 200. last - Int The number of schema versions to return per page, when paginating backwards. Defaults to 20, maximum is 200. |
"accountId": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1",
"amount": "999999999999",
"currency": Currency,
"date": "2022-03-28",
"deletedAt": "2007-12-03T10:15:30Z",
"description": "abc123",
"externalAccount": ExternalAccount,
"externalAccountId": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1",
"externalId": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1",
"id": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1",
"isDeleted": true,
"ledgerEntries": LedgerEntriesConnection,
"ledgerEntryIds": ["3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1"],
"ledgerLineIds": ["3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1"],
"ledgerLines": LedgerLinesConnection,
"link": Link,
"linkId": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1",
"posted": "2007-12-03T10:15:30Z",
"sequence": 2277,
"workspaceId": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1"
Field Name | Description |
accountId - ID! | FRAGMENT ID of this transaction's external account |
amount - Int96! | Integer amount in cents. Positive indicates money entering the external account, negative indicates money leaving |
currency - Currency | Currency of this Tx |
date - Date! | Date this Tx posted to the external account |
deletedAt - DateTime | ISO-8601 timestamp when this Tx was deleted |
description - String! | Description at the external account |
externalAccount - ExternalAccount! | The External Account that this transaction belongs to. |
externalAccountId - ID! | ID in the external system of this transaction's external account |
externalId - ID! | ID of this transaction in the external system |
id - ID! | FRAGMENT ID of this Tx. If you delete a Tx via deleteCustomTxs, it will not show up in listing queries, but can be resolved by if you lookup by its FRAGMENT ID. If you resync a Tx with the same externalId, its FRAGMENT ID will be different than the previous Tx. |
isDeleted - Boolean! | Whether this Tx has been deleted via deleteCustomTxs |
ledgerEntries - LedgerEntriesConnection! | Returns ledger entries that are linked to this transaction. You can link the same external account to multiple ledgers, so there could be multiple entries associated with one transaction - one for each linked ledger account this transaction has been reconciled with |
ledgerEntryIds - [ID!] | Same as ledgerEntries, but returns an array of IDs instead |
ledgerLineIds - [ID!] | Same as ledgerLines, but returns an array of IDs instead |
ledgerLines - LedgerLinesConnection! | Returns ledger lines that are linked to this transaction. You can link the same external account to multiple ledgers, so there could be multipe lines associated with one transaction - one for each linked ledger account this transaction has been reconciled with |
link - Link! | This transaction's Link. |
linkId - ID! | FRAGMENT ID of this transaction's Link |
posted - DateTime! | ISO-8601 timestamp when this Tx posted to the external account |
sequence - Int! | When a Tx is deleted and a new Tx is synced with the same externalId, its sequence will be higher than the previous Tx. You can use this to distinguish different instances of Txs that have the same externalId. |
workspaceId - ID! | Callers should not need to query or store this value. |
A single amount and the timestamp requested
{"amount": CurrencyAmount, "period": "2022-Q3"}
Field Name | Description |
amount - CurrencyAmount! | The balance or balance change |
period - Period! | The period of the requested balance change |
Used to configure the write-consistency of a Ledger Account's balance. See Configure consistency.
Enum Value | Description |
eventual | |
strong |
The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.
"code": "AAVE",
"customCode": "abc123",
"customCurrencyId": "some-safe-string-ik",
"name": "abc123",
"precision": 2277
Field Name | Description |
code - CurrencyCode! | The currency code. This is an enum type . |
customCode - String | The currency code for custom currencies. This is only set if 'currency' is set to CUSTOM. It can be up to 32 characters long. |
customCurrencyId - SafeString | The ID for a custom currency. This is specified when creating the custom currency using the createCustomCurrency mutation. |
name - String! | A human readable name for the currency (e.g. United States Dollar). This is used for display purposes. |
precision - Int! | The number of decimal places this currency goes to. For example, United States Dollars have a precision of 2 (i.e. 100 cents in a dollar), whereas the Jordanian Dinar has a precision of 3. This is used for display purposes. |
Enum Value | Description |
AAVE | |
ADA | |
AED | |
AFN | |
ALL | |
AMD | |
ANG | |
AOA | |
ARS | |
AUD | |
AWG | |
AZN | |
BAM | |
BBD | |
BCH | |
BDT | |
BGN | |
BHD | |
BIF | |
BMD | |
BND | |
BOB | |
BRL | |
BSD | |
BTC | |
BTN | |
BWP | |
BYR | |
BZD | |
CAD | |
CDF | |
CHF | |
CLP | |
CNY | |
COP | |
CRC | |
CUC | |
CUP | |
CVE | |
CZK | |
DAI | |
DJF | |
DKK | |
DOP | |
DZD | |
EGP | |
ERN | |
ETB | |
ETH | |
EUR | |
FJD | |
FKP | |
GBP | |
GEL | |
GGP | |
GHS | |
GIP | |
GMD | |
GNF | |
GTQ | |
GYD | |
HKD | |
HNL | |
HRK | |
HTG | |
HUF | |
IDR | |
ILS | |
IMP | |
INR | |
IQD | |
IRR | |
ISK | |
JMD | |
JOD | |
JPY | |
KES | |
KGS | |
KHR | |
KMF | |
KPW | |
KRW | |
KWD | |
KYD | |
KZT | |
LAK | |
LBP | |
LINK | |
LKR | |
LRD | |
LSL | |
LTC | |
LYD | |
MAD | |
MDL | |
MGA | |
MKD | |
MMK | |
MNT | |
MOP | |
MUR | |
MVR | |
MWK | |
MXN | |
MYR | |
MZN | |
NAD | |
NGN | |
NIO | |
NOK | |
NPR | |
NZD | |
OMR | |
PAB | |
PEN | |
PGK | |
PHP | |
PKR | |
PLN | |
PTS | |
PYG | |
QAR | |
RON | |
RSD | |
RUB | |
RWF | |
SAR | |
SBD | |
SCR | |
SDG | |
SEK | |
SGD | |
SHP | |
SLL | |
SOL | |
SOS | |
SPL | |
SRD | |
STN | |
SVC | |
SYP | |
SZL | |
THB | |
TJS | |
TMT | |
TND | |
TOP | |
TRY | |
TTD | |
TVD | |
TWD | |
TZS | |
UAH | |
UGX | |
UNI | |
USD | |
USDC | |
USDT | |
UYU | |
UZS | |
VEF | |
VND | |
VUV | |
WST | |
XAF | |
XCD | |
XLM | |
XOF | |
XPF | |
YER | |
ZAR | |
Defines the currency handling of a LedgerAccount, which can either be restricted to a single currency or allow multiple currencies.
Enum Value | Description |
multi | |
single |
ISO 8601 Date e.g. 1969-07-21
ISO 8601 DateTime e.g. 1969-07-16T13:32:00.000Z. You can also provide a date e.g. 1969-01-01 and it will be converted to 1969-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
Enum Value | Description |
ach | |
card | |
check | |
internal | |
wire |
The first moment of a specific year, month or day or hour e.g. 1969 or 1969-1 or 1969-1-1 or 1969-1-1T00. All of the previous examples are equivalent to 1969-1-1T00:00:00.000.
Enum Value | Description |
daily | |
hourly | |
monthly |
A single amount and the timestamp requested
{"amount": CurrencyAmount, "at": "2021-07"}
Field Name | Description |
amount - CurrencyAmount! | The balance or balance change |
at - LastMoment! | The timestamp of the requested balance |
The ID scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as "4") or integer (such as 4) input value will be accepted as an ID.
{"ik": "some-safe-string-ik", "isIkReplay": true}
Field Name | Description |
ik - SafeString! | |
isIkReplay - Boolean! |
The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.
A string representing integers as big as 2^96-1. The number is signed so the range is from -79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,336 to 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,336.
The last moment of a specific year, month or day or hour e.g. 1969 or 1969-12 or 1969-12-31 or 1969-12-31T23. All of the previous examples are equivalent to 1969-12-31T23:59:59.999.
Enum Value | Description |
eventual | |
strong |
The status of a ledger migration.
Enum Value | Description |
completed | The Ledger Migration has been successfully completed. This is a terminal state. |
failed | The Ledger Migration has failed. This can happen either due to an invalid schema or an internal error. This is a terminal state. |
queued | The Ledger Migration has been queued. |
skipped | The Ledger Migration has been skipped because a newer version is available. This is a terminal state. |
started | The Ledger Migration has been started. |
Enum Value | Description |
double |
A string of non-zero length that can contain parameterized values via handlebars syntax. ex: "Hello from {{country}}".
A mapping of parameter keys to values.
{"bank_name": "bank-name", "deposit_amount": "10000"}
A specific year ("2021"), quarter ("2021-Q1"), month ("2021-02"), day ("2021-02-03") or hour ("2021-02-03T04")
The consistency configuration of a Ledger Account's balance queries. If not provided as an argument to a balance query, the default behavior is to read eventually consistent balances. See Configure consistency.
Enum Value | Description |
eventual | Balance queries will read eventually consistent balances. This is the default behavior if ReadBalanceConsistencyMode is not provided as an argument to the balance field. Both Ledger Accounts configured with strongly and eventually consistent balance updates support this enum. |
strong | Balance queries will read strongly consistent balances. This is only allowed if the Ledger Account's ownBalanceUpdates in its consistencyConfig is strong . |
use_account | Balance queries will use the value from the Ledger Account's ownBalanceUpdates in its consistencyConfig . |
A string with delimiter characters /, #, and : disallowed, as well as parameters in {{handlebar}} syntax.
Enum Value | Description |
entry |
The consistency modes available for entities created within this Schema.
Enum Value | Description |
eventual | Eventually consistent entity updates |
strong | Strongly consistent entity updates |
The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
Enum Value | Description |
credit | |
debit |
All hour-aligned offsets from -11:00 to +12:00 are supported, e.g. "-08:00" (PT), "-05:00" (ET), "+00:00" (UTC)
The input for your Chart of Accounts in a Schema.
"accounts": [SchemaLedgerAccountInput],
"defaultConsistencyConfig": LedgerAccountConsistencyConfigInput,
"defaultCurrency": CurrencyMatchInput,
"defaultCurrencyMode": "multi"
Input Field | Description |
accounts - [SchemaLedgerAccountInput!]! | The Ledger Accounts modeled by your Schema. Ledger Accounts may be nested up to a maximum depth of 10. |
defaultConsistencyConfig - LedgerAccountConsistencyConfigInput | The default consistency configuration for all Ledger Accounts in this Schema. If a Ledger Account does not specify its own consistency configuration, it will use the default values provided here. See Configure consistency. |
defaultCurrency - CurrencyMatchInput | The default currency of each Ledger Account in the Chart Of Accounts. It must be provided if defaultCurrencyMode is set to single . Additionally, defaultCurrency must be omitted if defaultCurrencyMode is set to multi . |
defaultCurrencyMode - CurrencyMode | The default currency mode of each Ledger Account in the Chart Of Accounts. |
"customCode": "abc123",
"customCurrencyId": "some-safe-string-ik",
"name": "abc123",
"precision": 2277
Input Field | Description |
customCode - String! | The currency code for custom currencies. It can be up to 5 characters long. This is used for display purposes. |
customCurrencyId - SafeString! | The ID for a custom currency. This is specified when creating the custom currency using the createCustomCurrency mutation. |
name - String! | A human readable name for the currency (e.g. United States Dollar). This is used for display purposes. |
precision - Int! | The number of decimal places this currency goes to. For example, United States Dollars have a precision of 2 (i.e. 100 cents in a dollar), whereas the Jordanian Dinar has a precision of 3. This is used for display purposes. |
"consistencyConfig": LedgerAccountConsistencyConfigInput,
"currency": CurrencyMatchInput,
"currencyMode": "multi",
"linkedAccount": ExternalAccountMatchInput,
"name": "abc123",
"parent": LedgerAccountMatchInput,
"type": "asset"
Input Field | Description |
consistencyConfig - LedgerAccountConsistencyConfigInput | The consistency configuration for this Ledger Account. This defines how updates to this Ledger Account's balance are handled. |
currency - CurrencyMatchInput | The currency of this Ledger Account. If this is not set, and currencyMode is not set to multi , the workspace-level default is used. |
currencyMode - CurrencyMode | If set to multi , creates a multi-currency Ledger Account. If set to single , creates a single-currency Ledger Account. |
linkedAccount - ExternalAccountMatchInput | The External Account to link to this Ledger Account. |
name - String! | The human-readable name of this Ledger Account. |
parent - LedgerAccountMatchInput | The parent of this Ledger Account. |
type - LedgerAccountTypes | The type of ledger account to create. Required if this is a top-level Ledger Account. If not provided, the type will be inferred from the parent. |
"childLedgerAccounts": [CreateLedgerAccountsInput],
"consistencyConfig": LedgerAccountConsistencyConfigInput,
"currency": CurrencyMatchInput,
"currencyMode": "multi",
"ik": "some-safe-string-ik",
"linkedAccount": ExternalAccountMatchInput,
"name": "abc123",
"parent": LedgerAccountMatchInput,
"type": "asset"
Input Field | Description |
childLedgerAccounts - [CreateLedgerAccountsInput!] | Ledger Accounts to create as children of this Ledger Account. |
consistencyConfig - LedgerAccountConsistencyConfigInput | The consistency configuration for this ledger account. See Configure consistency . |
currency - CurrencyMatchInput | The currency of this Ledger Account. If this is not set, the workspace level default is used. |
currencyMode - CurrencyMode | The currency mode of this Ledger Account. If this is not set, the workspace level default is used. |
ik - SafeString! | The idempotency key for creating this Ledger Account. |
linkedAccount - ExternalAccountMatchInput | The External Account to link to this Ledger Account. This can only be specified on leaf Ledger Accounts. See Reconcile payments . |
name - String! | The name of the Ledger Account. |
parent - LedgerAccountMatchInput | The parent of this Ledger Account. This is only valid on the top level Ledger Account in the payload. |
type - LedgerAccountTypes | The type of this Ledger Account. This field is only required if this is a root Ledger Account. Otherwise, the type will get inherited from its parent. |
{"balanceUTCOffset": "-08:00", "name": "abc123", "type": "double"}
Input Field | Description |
balanceUTCOffset - UTCOffset | Use this field to specify a timezone for queries to your Ledger. When aggregating balances, all transactions within a 24 hour period starting at midnight UTC are included in each day. You can specify a different starting hour for balances. For example, use "-08:00" to align balances with Pacific Standard Time. Balance queries would then consider the start of each local day to be at 8am UTC the next day in UTC. The default timezone is UTC. |
name - String! | |
type - LedgerTypes |
"currency": CurrencyMatchInput,
"currencyMode": "multi",
"externalId": "some-safe-string-ik",
"name": "abc123"
Input Field | Description |
currency - CurrencyMatchInput | The currency of this external account. If this is not set, the workspace level default is used. 'currency' cannot be set if 'currencyMode' is 'multi'. |
currencyMode - CurrencyMode | The currency mode of this external account. If set to multi, creates a multi-currency account. |
externalId - SafeString! | The ID of this account at the external system. This is used as the idempotency key, within the scope of its Custom Link. |
name - String! | The name of the account at the external system. |
"account": ExternalAccountMatchInput,
"amount": "999999999999",
"currency": CurrencyMatchInput,
"description": "abc123",
"externalId": "some-safe-string-ik",
"posted": "2007-12-03T10:15:30Z"
Input Field | Description |
account - ExternalAccountMatchInput! | |
amount - Int96! | |
currency - CurrencyMatchInput | The currency of this tx. Should be set for multi-currency accounts. |
description - String! | |
externalId - SafeString! | The ID of this tx at the external system. This is used as the idempotency key, within the scope of its Custom Account. |
posted - DateTime! |
A condition that must be met on an Int96 field.
{"eq": "999999999999", "gte": "999999999999", "lte": "999999999999"}
Input Field | Description |
eq - Int96 | Amount must exactly match this value. You may not specify this alongside gte or lte . |
gte - Int96 | Amount must be greater than or equal to this value. |
lte - Int96 | Amount must be less than or equal to this value. |
A set of conditions that a Ledger Account must meet for an operation to succeed.
{"ownBalance": Int96ConditionInput}
Input Field | Description |
ownBalance - Int96ConditionInput! | A condition that the ownBalance field must satisfy. Note that this condition always applies to the latest balance, not to balances at a specific date or time. See Read balances for more on the different types of Ledger Account balances. |
The payload configuring the consistency for this Ledger Account. See Configure consistency.
"groups": [LedgerAccountGroupConsistencyConfigInput],
"lines": "eventual",
"ownBalanceUpdates": "eventual"
Input Field | Description |
groups - [LedgerAccountGroupConsistencyConfigInput!] | The consistency configuration for Ledger Entry Groups affecting this account. See Configure consistency. |
lines - LedgerLinesConsistencyMode | If set to strong, then a Ledger Account's lines updates will be strongly consistent with the API response. This Ledger Account's balance will be updated and available for strongly consistent reads before you receive an API response. Otherwise if unset or set to eventual, lines updates are applied asynchronously and may not be immediately reflected in queries. See Configure consistency. |
ownBalanceUpdates - BalanceUpdateConsistencyMode | If set to strong, then a Ledger Account's ownBalance updates will be strongly consistent with the API response. This Ledger Account's balance will be updated and available for strongly consistent reads before you receive an API response. Otherwise if unset or set to eventual, ownBalance updates are applied asynchronously and may not be immediately reflected in queries. See Configure consistency. |
The consistency configuration for a specific Ledger Entry Group in this account.
{"key": "abc123", "ownBalanceUpdates": "eventual"}
Input Field | Description |
key - String! | The group key for this configuration. |
ownBalanceUpdates - BalanceUpdateConsistencyMode! | If set to strong, then Ledger Entry Group ownBalances updates for this account will be strongly consistent with the API response. This Ledger Account's Ledger Entry Group balances will be updated and available for strongly consistent reads before you receive an API response. Otherwise if unset or set to eventual, Ledger Entry Group ownBalance updates are applied asynchronously and may not be immediately reflected in queries. See Configure consistency. |
A set of pre-conditions and post-conditions that a Ledger Account balance must meet for an operation to succeed. You must specify at least one of precondition or postcondition for each condition.
"account": LedgerAccountMatchInput,
"currency": CurrencyMatchInput,
"postcondition": LedgerAccountConditionInput,
"precondition": LedgerAccountConditionInput
Input Field | Description |
account - LedgerAccountMatchInput! | The Ledger Account that must satisfy the provided conditions. |
currency - CurrencyMatchInput | For Ledger Accounts in the multi currency mode, you must specify the currency of the balance affected by the condition. You only need to specify this field for multi-currency accounts. |
postcondition - LedgerAccountConditionInput | The conditions that must hold after the operation. |
precondition - LedgerAccountConditionInput | The conditions that must hold prior to the operation. |
{"key": "some-safe-string-ik", "value": "some-safe-string-ik"}
Input Field | Description |
key - SafeString! | The key of this group. Can be up to 128 characters long. |
value - SafeString! | The value associated with this group's key. Can be up to 128 characters long. |
Ledger Entries are limited to 30 Ledger Lines.
"conditions": [LedgerEntryConditionInput],
"description": "abc123",
"groups": [LedgerEntryGroupInput],
"ledger": LedgerMatchInput,
"lines": [LedgerLineInput],
"parameters": "{"key":"value"}",
"posted": "2007-12-03T10:15:30Z",
"tags": [LedgerEntryTagInput],
"type": "abc123",
"version": 2277
Input Field | Description |
conditions - [LedgerEntryConditionInput!] | Conditions that must be satisfied to post this Ledger Entry. The Ledger Entry will reject with a BadRequestError if any condition is not met. You can only add a condition on a Ledger Account containing a Line in this Ledger Entry. |
description - String | If specified, will also be used as the description for LedgerLines unless they specify their own description. |
groups - [LedgerEntryGroupInput!] | Adds this Ledger Entry to this set of Ledger Entry Groups |
ledger - LedgerMatchInput | The Ledger to which to post this Ledger Entry. Must be linked to a Schema that defines the provided Ledger Entry type. |
lines - [LedgerLineInput!] | The Ledger Lines to create as part of this Ledger Entry. This cannot be used with Ledger Entries that have a 'type' i.e. Ledger Entries defined in the Schema. This can be useful during non-routine operations such as an incident. It is not recommended to use 'lines' during routine operations. |
parameters - JSON | Parameters to be included in a templated Ledger Entry. All provided parameters must be present in the typed Ledger Entry within the Schema linked to the provided Ledger. |
posted - DateTime | ISO 8601 timestamp to post this Ledger Entry e.g. "2021-01-01" or "2021-01-01T16:45:00Z". Will error out if supplied to reconcileTx or createOrder since the transaction timestamp will be used instead |
tags - [LedgerEntryTagInput!] | A set of tags attached to this Ledger Entry. |
type - String | The type of the Ledger Entry. Must be defined in the Schema linked to the Ledger specified below. |
version - Int | Experimental: This field is reserved for an upcoming feature and is not yet supported. |
{"key": "some-safe-string-ik", "value": "some-safe-string-ik"}
Input Field | Description |
key - SafeString! | The key of this tag. Can be up to 128 characters long. |
value - SafeString! | The value associated with this tag's key. Can be up to 128 characters long. |
"account": LedgerAccountMatchInput,
"amount": "999999999999",
"currency": CurrencyMatchInput,
"description": "abc123",
"key": "abc123",
"tx": TxMatchInput
Input Field | Description |
account - LedgerAccountMatchInput! | The LedgerAccount this line is being added to |
amount - Int96 | A positive amount increases the balance of its LedgerAccount, a negative amount reduces the balance of its LedgerAccount |
currency - CurrencyMatchInput | The currency the ledger line is in |
description - String | If not specified the description from the parent LedgerEntryInput will be used |
key - String | Optional identifier for Ledger Line. You can filter lines by key using LedgerLinesFilterSet . |
tx - TxMatchInput | Required for reconcileTx to specify the transaction being reconciled, you can specify either the FRAGMENT ID or external ID of the transaction |
A simulated Ledger Entry posted as a part of a Scene.
{"parameters": "{"key":"value"}", "type": "some-safe-string-ik"}
Input Field | Description |
parameters - JSON | Any parameters to be used as inputs to this simulated Ledger Entry. |
type - SafeString! | The type of the simulated Ledger Entry. Must match one of the types provided in schema.ledgerEntries.types. |
{"entry": SceneEntryInput, "eventType": "entry"}
Input Field | Description |
entry - SceneEntryInput! | The simulated Ledger Entry. |
eventType - SceneEventType! | The type of the Scene Event. Currently, only entries are supported. |
{"events": [SceneEventInput], "name": "abc123"}
Input Field | Description |
events - [SceneEventInput!]! | A list of simulated ledger entries that make up the Scene. |
name - String! | The human-readable name of the Scene. |
A condition that must be met on a Ledger Account balance. The condition can be either a precondition or postcondition.
{"ownBalance": SchemaInt96ConditionInput}
Input Field | Description |
ownBalance - SchemaInt96ConditionInput | A condition on the ownBalance of the Ledger Account. |
The consistency configuration for entities created within Ledgers created by this Schema.
{"entries": "eventual"}
Input Field | Description |
entries - SchemaConsistencyMode | The consistency mode for the Ledger Entries list query within Ledgers created by this Schema. See Configure consistency. |
Input to the API for creating a Schema.
"chartOfAccounts": ChartOfAccountsInput,
"consistencyConfig": SchemaConsistencyConfigInput,
"key": "some-safe-string-ik",
"ledgerEntries": SchemaLedgerEntriesInput,
"name": "assets/bank:{{bank_name}}",
"scenes": [SceneInput]
Input Field | Description |
chartOfAccounts - ChartOfAccountsInput! | The Chart of Accounts for the Schema. |
consistencyConfig - SchemaConsistencyConfigInput | The consistency configuration for this Schema. |
key - SafeString! | The key of the Schema. This is a stable, unique identifier for the Schema. Uniqueness is enforced at the Workspace level. |
ledgerEntries - SchemaLedgerEntriesInput | The Ledger Entries to add to the Schema. |
name - ParameterizedString | The human-readable name of the Schema. |
scenes - [SceneInput!] | Any scenes associated with this Schema. |
A condition that must be met on a field.
"eq": "assets/bank:{{bank_name}}",
"gte": "assets/bank:{{bank_name}}",
"lte": "assets/bank:{{bank_name}}"
Input Field | Description |
eq - ParameterizedString | Amount must be exactly equal to this value. You may not specify this alongside gte or lte . |
gte - ParameterizedString | Amount must be greater than or equal to this value. |
lte - ParameterizedString | Amount must be less than or equal to this value. |
Models a Ledger Account in a Schema. Upon successfully storing a Schema, a LedgerAccount will be created for each corresponding non-templated SchemaLedgerAccountInput in your Chart of Accounts.
"children": [SchemaLedgerAccountInput],
"consistencyConfig": LedgerAccountConsistencyConfigInput,
"currency": SchemaCurrencyMatchInput,
"currencyMode": "multi",
"key": "some-safe-string-ik",
"linkedAccount": SchemaExternalAccountMatchInput,
"name": "assets/bank:{{bank_name}}",
"template": true,
"type": "asset"
Input Field | Description |
children - [SchemaLedgerAccountInput!] | Ledger Accounts to create as children of this Ledger Account. Ledger Accounts may be nested up to a maximum depth of 10. |
consistencyConfig - LedgerAccountConsistencyConfigInput | The consistency configuration for this ledger account. See Configure consistency . |
currency - SchemaCurrencyMatchInput | The currency of this Ledger Account. If this is not set, and currencyMode is not set to multi , it is derived from the Chart of Accounts' default. |
currencyMode - CurrencyMode | If set to multi , creates a multi-currency Ledger Account. If set to single , creates a single-currency Ledger Account. |
key - SafeString! | The key of this Ledger Account. Keys are used to formulate the unique path of the Ledger Account in your Chart of Accounts. Siblings must have unique keys. |
linkedAccount - SchemaExternalAccountMatchInput | The External Account to link to this Ledger Account. It must be provided of linked is true. |
name - ParameterizedString | The human-readable name of this Ledger Account. |
template - Boolean | Whether or not this Ledger Account should be templated. |
type - LedgerAccountTypes | The type of ledger account to create. Required if this is a top-level Ledger Account. If not provided, the type will be inferred from the parent. |
The Ledger Entries in your Schema.
{"types": [SchemaLedgerEntryInput]}
Input Field | Description |
types - [SchemaLedgerEntryInput!]! | A list of Ledger Entry definitions. |
A condition that must be met on a Ledger Account when a Ledger Entry is posted.
"account": SchemaLedgerAccountMatchInput,
"currency": SchemaCurrencyMatchInput,
"postcondition": SchemaConditionInput,
"precondition": SchemaConditionInput
Input Field | Description |
account - SchemaLedgerAccountMatchInput! | The Ledger Account to apply the condition to. |
currency - SchemaCurrencyMatchInput | The currency of the balance to apply the condition to. Required if the Ledger Account matched is a multi-currency Ledger Account. Otherwise, this field is defaults to the Ledger Account's currency. |
postcondition - SchemaConditionInput | A postcondition must be met after the Ledger Entry updates are applied. |
precondition - SchemaConditionInput | A precondition must be met before any Ledger Entry updates are applied. |
A Ledger Entry Group associated with a Ledger Entry type.
{"key": "some-safe-string-ik", "value": "assets/bank:{{bank_name}}"}
Input Field | Description |
key - SafeString! | The key for this Ledger Entry Group. |
value - ParameterizedString! | The value associated with this Ledger Entry Group. |
A Ledger Entry in a Schema. All Ledger Entries defined in a Schema must have a unique type.
"conditions": [SchemaLedgerEntryConditionInput],
"description": "assets/bank:{{bank_name}}",
"groups": [SchemaLedgerEntryGroupInput],
"lines": [SchemaLedgerLineInput],
"parameters": "{"key":"value"}",
"tags": [SchemaLedgerEntryTagInput],
"type": "some-safe-string-ik",
"version": 2277
Input Field | Description |
conditions - [SchemaLedgerEntryConditionInput!] | Conditions that must be satisfied to post this Ledger Entry. The Ledger Entry will reject with a BadRequestError if any condition is not met. You can only add a condition on a Ledger Account containing a Line in this Ledger Entry. |
description - ParameterizedString | Human-readable description of the Ledger Entry. |
groups - [SchemaLedgerEntryGroupInput!] | Ledger Entries posted with this type will be in these Ledger Entry Groups. |
lines - [SchemaLedgerLineInput!] | The Ledger Lines in the Ledger Entry. If provided, when posting a Typed Entry, a LedgerEntry will be posted containing LedgerLines corresponding to the values you provide here. If your lines contain parameters, you must supply values for those parameters that balance out the Ledger Entry. If not provided, lines will be required when posting a Typed Entry. |
parameters - JSON | Fixed partial set of parameters to be included in a templated Ledger Entry. |
tags - [SchemaLedgerEntryTagInput!] | Ledger Entries posted with this type will be associated with these tags. |
type - SafeString! | The type of this Ledger Entry. This is a stable, unique identifier for this entry. Uniqueness is enforced at the Schema level. You can filter on this field when querying for Ledger Entries. See the docs on LedgerEntryFilterSet |
version - Int | Experimental: This field is not yet supported. |
A tag associated with a Ledger Entry type.
{"key": "some-safe-string-ik", "value": "assets/bank:{{bank_name}}"}
Input Field | Description |
key - SafeString! | The key for this tag. |
value - ParameterizedString! | The value associated with the given key for this tag. |
A Ledger Line in a Ledger Entry.
"account": SchemaLedgerAccountMatchInput,
"amount": "assets/bank:{{bank_name}}",
"currency": SchemaCurrencyMatchInput,
"description": "assets/bank:{{bank_name}}",
"key": "some-safe-string-ik",
"tx": SchemaTxMatchInput
Input Field | Description |
account - SchemaLedgerAccountMatchInput! | The Ledger Account this Ledger Line will be posted to. It supports parameters in its attributes via handlebars syntax. |
amount - ParameterizedString | The amount of the Ledger Line. It supports parameters via the handlebars syntax and addition (+) and subtraction (-). |
currency - SchemaCurrencyMatchInput | The currency of the Ledger Line. This is required if the Ledger Account has currencyMode multi. It supports parameters in its attributes via handlebars syntax. |
description - ParameterizedString | Human-readable description of the line. |
key - SafeString! | The key for the Ledger Line. Ledger Line keys must be unique within a Ledger Entry. Key can be filtered on as part of the LedgerLinesFilterSet. |
tx - SchemaTxMatchInput | The external transaction to reconcile. This field is required if the Ledger Account being posted to is a Linked Ledger Account. Otherwise, this field is disallowed. It supports parameters in its attributes via handlebars syntax. See the docs on reconciling payments. |
"consistencyConfig": LedgerAccountConsistencyConfigInput,
"name": "abc123"
Input Field | Description |
consistencyConfig - LedgerAccountConsistencyConfigInput | The consistency configuration for this ledger account. This defines how updates to this ledger account's balance are handled. |
name - String | The name to update the ledger account to |
"groups": [LedgerEntryGroupInput],
"tags": [LedgerEntryTagInput]
Input Field | Description |
groups - [LedgerEntryGroupInput!] | The list of Groups to add to this Ledger Entry. |
tags - [LedgerEntryTagInput!] | The list of Tags to add and/or update on this Ledger Entry. |
{"code": "AAVE", "customCurrencyId": "some-safe-string-ik"}
Input Field | Description |
code - CurrencyCode! | The currency code. This is an enum type . |
customCurrencyId - SafeString | The ID for a custom currency. This is specified when creating the custom currency using the createCustomCurrency mutation. |
{"key": "some-safe-string-ik", "value": "some-safe-string-ik"}
Input Field | Description |
key - SafeString! | |
value - SafeString! |
Specify an External Account by using id, or linkId and externalId.
"externalId": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1",
"id": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1",
"linkId": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1"
Input Field | Description |
externalId - ID | The external system's ID of the External Account. If this is specified, linkId is required. id is optional, but will be validated if provided. |
id - ID | The FRAGMENT ID of the External Account. If this is specified, both linkId and externalId are optional, but will be validated if provided. |
linkId - ID | The FRAGMENT ID of the Link the External Account is in. If this is specified, externalId is required. id is optional, but will be validated if provided. |
Specify a Ledger Account by using id or path.
"id": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1",
"ledger": LedgerMatchInput,
"path": "abc123"
Input Field | Description |
id - ID | The FRAGMENT ID of the Ledger Account |
ledger - LedgerMatchInput | The Ledger to which this Ledger Account belongs. This is required if you are specifying the Ledger Account by path . |
path - String | The unique path of the Ledger Account. This is a slash-delimited string containing the keys of an account and all its direct ancestors. |
"key": "some-safe-string-ik",
"ledger": LedgerMatchInput,
"value": "some-safe-string-ik"
Input Field | Description |
key - SafeString! | |
ledger - LedgerMatchInput! | |
value - SafeString! |
Specify a Ledger Entry by using id.
"id": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1",
"ik": "some-safe-string-ik",
"ledger": LedgerMatchInput
Input Field | Description |
id - ID | The FRAGMENT ID of the Ledger Entry |
ik - SafeString | The IK provided to the addLedgerEntry mutation or the ik field returned from a reconcileTx mutation. This is required if you have not provided id . |
ledger - LedgerMatchInput | The FRAGMENT ID of the Ledger to which this Ledger Entry belongs. This is required if you have not provided id . |
Specify a Ledger Line by using id.
{"id": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1"}
Input Field | Description |
id - ID! | The FRAGMENT ID of the ledger line |
Specify a Ledger by using id or ik.
{"id": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1", "ik": "some-safe-string-ik"}
Input Field | Description |
id - ID | The FRAGMENT ID of the Ledger |
ik - SafeString | The IK passed into the createLedger mutation. This is treated as a second unique identifier for this Ledger. |
Matches a Currency. Can be a built-in CurrencyCode, custom Currency, or a parameterized string. If you supply a parameterized string, you must pass in a valid CurrencyCode as a parameter when posting a Ledger Entry.
"code": "assets/bank:{{bank_name}}",
"customCurrencyId": "assets/bank:{{bank_name}}"
Input Field | Description |
code - ParameterizedString! | The currency code. This must either be a CurrencyCode or a parameterized string that resolves to a CurrencyCode . |
customCurrencyId - ParameterizedString | The ID for a custom currency. This is specified when creating the custom currency using the createCustomCurrency mutation. |
"externalId": "assets/bank:{{bank_name}}",
"id": "assets/bank:{{bank_name}}",
"linkId": "assets/bank:{{bank_name}}"
Input Field | Description |
externalId - ParameterizedString | The External systems's ID of the account |
id - ParameterizedString | The FRAGMENT ID of the external account |
linkId - ParameterizedString | The FRAGMENT ID of the link |
Matches a Ledger Account in a Schema.
{"path": "assets/bank:{{bank_name}}"}
Input Field | Description |
path - ParameterizedString! | The unique path of the Ledger Account in the Schema. This is a slash-delimited string containing the keys of a Ledger Account and all its direct ancestors. ex: expense-root/subscriptions/netflix For Templated Ledger Accounts, you must supply a parameter in the path that will be used to name an instance of the template. ex: "expense-root/subscriptions/vendor:{{vendor_name}}" |
An object used to retrieve a Schema.
{"key": "some-safe-string-ik", "version": 2277}
Input Field | Description |
key - SafeString! | The key to retrieve a Schema by. key is unique to a Workspace. |
version - Int | Optional parameter to specify version of requested Schema. If not provided, it defaults to 0, representing the latest available version for the provided Schema key. |
Matches a transaction at an external system. This is used to specify the transaction being reconciled into a Linked Ledger Account
{"externalId": "assets/bank:{{bank_name}}", "id": "assets/bank:{{bank_name}}"}
Input Field | Description |
externalId - ParameterizedString | The external system's ID for the transaction. |
id - ParameterizedString | The FRAGMENT ID for the transaction. |
Specifies a single tag that an entity is expected to have. You must specify both the key and the value.
{"key": "some-safe-string-ik", "value": "some-safe-string-ik"}
Input Field | Description |
key - SafeString! | The key of this tag. |
value - SafeString! | The value associated with this tag's key. |
Specify a Tx by using id or externalId, the Link it belongs to by linkId, and the External Account it is a part of by accountId or externalAccountId.
"accountId": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1",
"externalAccountId": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1",
"externalId": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1",
"id": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1",
"linkId": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1"
Input Field | Description |
accountId - ID | The FRAGMENT ID of the external account |
externalAccountId - ID | The external system's ID for the account |
externalId - ID | The external system's ID for the transaction |
id - ID | The FRAGMENT ID of the transaction |
linkId - ID | The FRAGMENT ID of the link |
Returned by the storeSchema mutation.
Union Types |
BadRequestError |
InternalError |
StoreSchemaResult |
"entry": LedgerEntry,
"isIkReplay": true,
"lines": [LedgerLine]
Field Name | Description |
entry - LedgerEntry! | The ledger entry that was posted |
isIkReplay - Boolean! | True if this request successfully completed before and the previous response is being returned |
lines - [LedgerLine!]! | The ledger lines that were created in that entry |
{"customCurrency": Currency}
Field Name | Description |
customCurrency - Currency! | The Currency that was created. |
{"isIkReplay": true, "link": CustomLink}
Field Name | Description |
isIkReplay - Boolean! | |
link - CustomLink! | The custom link that was created. Represents an instance of an external system. |
{"isIkReplay": true, "ledgerAccount": LedgerAccount}
Field Name | Description |
isIkReplay - Boolean! | true if a previous request successfully created this ledger account |
ledgerAccount - LedgerAccount! | The ledger account that was created |
"ikReplays": [IkReplay],
"ledgerAccounts": [LedgerAccount]
Field Name | Description |
ikReplays - [IkReplay!]! | Whether the ledger accounts were successfully created by a previous request |
ledgerAccounts - [LedgerAccount!]! | The ledger accounts that were created |
{"txs": [DeletedCustomTx]}
Field Name | Description |
txs - [DeletedCustomTx!]! | List of Txs deleted in this operation |
"entry": LedgerEntry,
"isIkReplay": true,
"lines": [LedgerLine]
Field Name | Description |
entry - LedgerEntry! | The ledger entry that was posted |
isIkReplay - Boolean! | True if this request successfully completed before and the previous response is being returned |
lines - [LedgerLine!]! | The ledger lines that were created in that entry |
StoreSchemaResult represents a successful execution of storeSchema.
{"schema": Schema}
Field Name | Description |
schema - Schema! | The Schema that was stored as a result of calling storeSchema . |
{"accounts": [ExternalAccount]}
Field Name | Description |
accounts - [ExternalAccount!]! | The external accounts that were synced. |
{"ledgerAccount": LedgerAccount}
Field Name | Description |
ledgerAccount - LedgerAccount! | The ledger account that was updated |
{"entry": LedgerEntry}
Field Name | Description |
entry - LedgerEntry! | The Ledger Entry that was updated. |
Equivalent to an HTTP 400 - request either has missing or incorrect data
{"code": "abc123", "message": "abc123", "retryable": true}
Field Name | Description |
code - String! | The HTTP status code corresponding to the error |
message - String! | The error message |
retryable - Boolean! | Whether or not the operation is retryable |
Equivalent to an HTTP 5XX - something went wrong with our API.
{"code": "abc123", "message": "abc123", "retryable": true}
Field Name | Description |
code - String! | The HTTP status code corresponding to the error |
message - String! | The error message |
retryable - Boolean! | Whether or not the operation is retryable |
A paginated list of amounts and their periods
"endTime": "2021-07",
"granularity": "daily",
"nodes": [BalanceChangeDuring],
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"startTime": "2021-05"
Field Name | Description |
endTime - LastMoment! | The end time of the period across which the balance changes are requested |
granularity - Granularity! | The granularity of the return data |
nodes - [BalanceChangeDuring!]! | The current page of results |
pageInfo - PageInfo! | The pagination info for this list |
startTime - FirstMoment! | The start time of the period across which the balance changes are requested |
A paginated list of amounts with their currencies
"nodes": [CurrencyAmount],
"pageInfo": PageInfo
Field Name | Description |
nodes - [CurrencyAmount!]! | The current page of results |
pageInfo - PageInfo! | The pagination info for this list |
A paginated list of Custom Currencies
"nodes": [Currency],
"pageInfo": PageInfo
Field Name | Description |
nodes - [Currency!]! | The current page of results |
pageInfo - PageInfo! | The pagination info for this list |
A paginated list of External Accounts
"nodes": [ExternalAccount],
"pageInfo": PageInfo
Field Name | Description |
nodes - [ExternalAccount!]! | The current page of results |
pageInfo - PageInfo! | The pagination info for this list |
A paginated list of amounts and their periods
"endTime": "2021-07",
"granularity": "daily",
"nodes": [HistoricalBalance],
"pageInfo": PageInfo,
"startTime": "2021-05"
Field Name | Description |
endTime - LastMoment! | The end time of the period across which the balance changes are requested |
granularity - Granularity! | The granularity of the return data |
nodes - [HistoricalBalance!]! | The current page of results |
pageInfo - PageInfo! | The pagination info for this list |
startTime - FirstMoment! | The start time of the period across which the balance changes are requested |
A paginated list of Ledger Accounts
"nodes": [LedgerAccount],
"pageInfo": PageInfo
Field Name | Description |
nodes - [LedgerAccount!]! | The current page of results |
pageInfo - PageInfo! | The pagination info for this list |
A paginated list of Ledger Entries
"nodes": [LedgerEntry],
"pageInfo": PageInfo
Field Name | Description |
nodes - [LedgerEntry!]! | The current page of results |
pageInfo - PageInfo! | The pagination info for this list |
A set of balance changes for a specific Ledger Entry Group.
"nodes": [LedgerEntryGroupBalance],
"pageInfo": PageInfo
Field Name | Description |
nodes - [LedgerEntryGroupBalance!]! | |
pageInfo - PageInfo! |
A paginated list of Ledger Entry Groups
"nodes": [LedgerEntryGroup],
"pageInfo": PageInfo
Field Name | Description |
nodes - [LedgerEntryGroup!]! | The current page of results |
pageInfo - PageInfo! | Pagination info for this list. |
A paginated list of Ledger Lines
"nodes": [LedgerLine],
"pageInfo": PageInfo
Field Name | Description |
nodes - [LedgerLine!]! | The current page of results |
pageInfo - PageInfo! | The pagination info for this list |
A paginated list of Ledger Migrations
"nodes": [LedgerMigration],
"pageInfo": PageInfo
Field Name | Description |
nodes - [LedgerMigration!]! | The current page of results |
pageInfo - PageInfo! | Pagination info for this list. |
A paginated list of Ledgers
"nodes": [Ledger],
"pageInfo": PageInfo
Field Name | Description |
nodes - [Ledger!]! | The current page of results |
pageInfo - PageInfo! | The pagination info for this list |
A paginated list of Links
"nodes": [Link],
"pageInfo": PageInfo
Field Name | Description |
nodes - [Link!]! | The current page of results |
pageInfo - PageInfo! | The pagination info for this list |
An object containing pagination details.
"endCursor": "abc123",
"hasNextPage": true,
"hasPreviousPage": true,
"startCursor": "abc123"
Field Name | Description |
endCursor - String | |
hasNextPage - Boolean! | |
hasPreviousPage - Boolean! | |
startCursor - String |
A paginated list of Schemas in a Workspace.
"nodes": [Schema],
"pageInfo": PageInfo
Field Name | Description |
nodes - [Schema!]! | The current page of results |
pageInfo - PageInfo! | Pagination info for this list. |
A paginated list of SchemaVersions for a given Schema.
"nodes": [SchemaVersion],
"pageInfo": PageInfo
Field Name | Description |
nodes - [SchemaVersion!]! | The current page of results |
pageInfo - PageInfo! | Pagination info for this list. |
A paginated list of Txs
"nodes": [Tx],
"pageInfo": PageInfo
Field Name | Description |
nodes - [Tx!]! | The current page of results |
pageInfo - PageInfo! | The pagination info for this list |
"equalTo": CurrencyMatchInput,
"in": [CurrencyMatchInput]
Input Field | Description |
equalTo - CurrencyMatchInput | Must match the value provided |
in - [CurrencyMatchInput!] | Must match one of the values provided. Limited to 100 items maximum. |
Filters a timestamp field between two moments in time
{"after": "2007-12-03T10:15:30Z", "before": "2007-12-03T10:15:30Z"}
Input Field | Description |
after - DateTime | The timestamp value must be after this moment. Specified in ISO 8601 format e.g "1968-01-01T16:45:00Z" |
before - DateTime | The timestamp value must be before this moment. Specified in ISO 8601 format e.g "1968-01-01T16:45:00Z" |
"equalTo": ExternalAccountMatchInput,
"in": [ExternalAccountMatchInput]
Input Field | Description |
equalTo - ExternalAccountMatchInput | Ledger Account must linked to the the specified external account |
in - [ExternalAccountMatchInput!] | Ledger Account can be linked to any of the specified external accounts. Limited to 100 items maximum. |
A filter to query balances of a specific subset of accounts
"id": StringFilter,
"path": StringMatchFilter
Input Field | Description |
id - StringFilter | A filter that must match the account ID |
path - StringMatchFilter | A filter that must match the account path. Wildcards ('*') may be used only for template variables, and will only match a single variable each. |
Filter for finding entries by group membership
{"keyIn": ["some-safe-string-ik"], "not": GroupNotFilter}
Input Field | Description |
keyIn - [SafeString!] | Find entries that are members of a group with all of these group keys |
not - GroupNotFilter | Find entries that do not match this predicate |
Filter for finding entries that do not match this predicate
{"keyIn": ["some-safe-string-ik"]}
Input Field | Description |
keyIn - [SafeString!] | Find entries that are not members of all of these groups. This is an AND filter. |
"eq": "999999999999",
"gte": "999999999999",
"lte": "999999999999",
"ne": "999999999999"
Input Field | Description |
eq - Int96 | Must exactly equal this Int96 value |
gte - Int96 | Must be greater than or equal to this Int96 value |
lte - Int96 | Must be less than or equal to this Int96 value |
ne - Int96 | Must not equal this Int96 value |
"equalTo": LedgerAccountMatchInput,
"in": [LedgerAccountMatchInput]
Input Field | Description |
equalTo - LedgerAccountMatchInput | Result must match the specified Ledger Account |
in - [LedgerAccountMatchInput!] | Results can match any of specified Ledger Accounts |
{"equalTo": "asset", "in": ["asset"]}
Input Field | Description |
equalTo - LedgerAccountTypes | Results must be of the specified Ledger Account type |
in - [LedgerAccountTypes!] | Results can have any of the specified Ledger Account types |
"hasParentLedgerAccount": true,
"isLinkedAccount": true,
"ledgerAccount": LedgerAccountFilter,
"linkedAccount": ExternalAccountFilter,
"parentLedgerAccount": LedgerAccountFilter,
"path": StringMatchFilter,
"type": LedgerAccountTypeFilter
Input Field | Description |
hasParentLedgerAccount - Boolean | Use this to filter Ledger Accounts by their parent status |
isLinkedAccount - Boolean | Use this to filter Ledger Accounts by their linked status |
ledgerAccount - LedgerAccountFilter | Use this to filter Ledger Accounts by their ID or path |
linkedAccount - ExternalAccountFilter | Use this to filter Ledger Accounts by their external linked account ID |
parentLedgerAccount - LedgerAccountFilter | Use this to filter Ledger Accounts by their parent account IDs |
path - StringMatchFilter | A filter that must match the account path. Wildcards (' ') may be used only for template variables, and will only match a single variable each. For example: 'assets-root/accounts-receivable/merchant: ' would match: 'assets-root/accounts-receivable/merchant:1' and 'assets-root/accounts-receivable/merchant:1/child'. Wildcards may not be used outside of template variables. For example, passing in 'assets-root/*' as a filter is invalid and would raise a GraphQL error. |
type - LedgerAccountTypeFilter | Use this to filter Ledger Accounts by their type |
"date": DateFilter,
"group": GroupFilter,
"ledgerEntry": LedgerEntryFilter,
"posted": DateTimeFilter,
"tag": TagFilter,
"type": StringFilter
Input Field | Description |
date - DateFilter | |
group - GroupFilter | Use this to filter Ledger Entries by groups. The response will include entries that contain or do not contain specific groups. |
ledgerEntry - LedgerEntryFilter | Use to filter Ledger Entries by their IDs or IKs. |
posted - DateTimeFilter | |
tag - TagFilter | Use this to filter Ledger Entries by tags. The response will include entries that contain tags matching the filter. |
type - StringFilter | Use this to filter Ledger Entries by type. Ledger Entry types are defined in Schemas. |
"equalTo": LedgerEntryMatchInput,
"in": [LedgerEntryMatchInput]
Input Field | Description |
equalTo - LedgerEntryMatchInput | Result must be the specified Ledger Entry. |
in - [LedgerEntryMatchInput!] | Result can be any of the specified Ledger Entries. Limited to 100 items maximum. |
Optional filters for querying balances on a Ledger Entry Group.
"account": GroupBalanceAccountFilter,
"currency": CurrencyFilter,
"ownBalance": Int96Filter
Input Field | Description |
account - GroupBalanceAccountFilter | Filter to a subset of accounts |
currency - CurrencyFilter | Filter to one or more currencies |
ownBalance - Int96Filter | Filter to only balances in a certain range |
"created": DateTimeFilter,
"key": StringFilter,
"value": StringFilter
Input Field | Description |
created - DateTimeFilter | Use to filter Ledger Entry Groups by their created timestamp |
key - StringFilter | Use to filter Ledger Entry Groups by their key |
value - StringFilter | Use to filter Ledger Entry Groups by their value |
"created": DateTimeFilter,
"date": DateFilter,
"key": StringFilter,
"posted": DateTimeFilter,
"type": TxTypeFilter
Input Field | Description |
created - DateTimeFilter | Filter by the created timestamp of the Ledger Line. This is the wall-clock time when the Ledger Line was created. |
date - DateFilter | Filter by the posted date of the Ledger Line. This is identical to using posted , but only supports day-level granularity. |
key - StringFilter | Use this to filter Ledger Lines by key. Ledger Line keys are defined in Schemas. |
posted - DateTimeFilter | Filter by the posted timestamp of the Ledger Line. |
type - TxTypeFilter |
{"equalTo": "double", "in": ["double"]}
Input Field | Description |
equalTo - LedgerTypes | |
in - [LedgerTypes!] | Must match one of the values provided. Limited to 100 items maximum. |
{"hasSchema": true, "type": LedgerTypeFilter}
Input Field | Description |
hasSchema - Boolean | |
type - LedgerTypeFilter |
"contains": "abc123",
"equalTo": "abc123",
"in": ["abc123"],
"matches": "abc123"
Input Field | Description |
contains - String | Must contain the provided pattern somewhere within the string. For example, 'contains: hat' will match 'hat', 'chat', and 'hate'. |
equalTo - String | Must exactly equal the provided value |
in - [String!] | Must exactly equal one of the provided values. Limited to 100 items maximum. |
matches - String | Must match the provided pattern. Wildcards ("*") will match any substring |
Filters a result set based on the tags it contains.
"contains": TagMatchInput,
"equalTo": TagMatchInput,
"in": [TagMatchInput]
Input Field | Description |
contains - TagMatchInput | Matches tag values based on the existence of the provided string within the tag value. The key is matched exactly. |
equalTo - TagMatchInput | Matches tags based on the exact value provided. The key and value are both matched exactly. |
in - [TagMatchInput!] | Matches tags based on a list of possible tag matches. The key and value are both matched exactly. Limited to 100 items maximum. |
"created": "abc123",
"dashboardUrl": "abc123",
"externalAccounts": ExternalAccountsConnection,
"id": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1",
"name": "abc123"
Field Name | Description |
created - String! | ISO-8601 timestamp when the Link was created. |
dashboardUrl - String! | URL to the FRAGMENT Dashboard for this Link. |
externalAccounts - ExternalAccountsConnection! | A list of External Accounts associated with this Link. |
id - ID! | FRAGMENT ID of the Custom Link. |
name - String! | Name of the Link as it appears in the FRAGMENT Dashboard. |
Enum Value | Description |
production | |
sandbox |
"created": "abc123",
"dashboardUrl": "abc123",
"externalAccounts": ExternalAccountsConnection,
"id": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1",
"increaseEnv": "production",
"name": "abc123"
Field Name | Description |
created - String! | ISO-8601 timestamp when the Link was created. |
dashboardUrl - String! | URL to the FRAGMENT Dashboard for this Link. |
externalAccounts - ExternalAccountsConnection! | A list of External Accounts associated with this Link. |
id - ID! | FRAGMENT ID of the Increase Link. |
increaseEnv - IncreaseEnv! | The environment of the Increase Link, either sandbox or production. |
name - String! | Name of the Link as it appears in the Dashboard. |
A condition that must be met on an Int96 field.
{"eq": "999999999999", "gte": "999999999999", "lte": "999999999999"}
Field Name | Description |
eq - Int96 | Amount must exactly match this value. You may not specify this alongside gte or lte . |
gte - Int96 | Amount must be greater than or equal to this value. |
lte - Int96 | Amount must be less than or equal to this value. |
A set of conditions that a Ledger Account must meet for an operation to succeed.
{"ownBalance": Int96Condition}
Field Name | Description |
ownBalance - Int96Condition | A condition that the ownBalance field must satisfy. Note that this condition always applies to the latest balance, not to balances at a specific date or time. See Read balances for more on the different types of Ledger Account balances. |
The consistency configuration of a Ledger Account's balance updates. See Configure consistency.
{"lines": "eventual", "ownBalanceUpdates": "eventual"}
Field Name | Description |
lines - LedgerLinesConsistencyMode! | |
ownBalanceUpdates - BalanceUpdateConsistencyMode! | If set to strong, then a Ledger Account's ownBalance updates will be strongly consistent with the API response. This Ledger Account's balance will be updated and available for strongly consistent reads once you receive an API response. Otherwise if not set or set to eventual, ownBalance updates are applied asynchronously and may not be immediately reflected in queries. See Configure consistency. |
Enum Value | Description |
asset | |
expense | |
income | |
liability |
A set of pre-conditions and post-conditions that a Ledger Account must have satisfied. Each LedgerEntryCondition has at least one of precondition or postcondition.
"account": LedgerAccount,
"currency": Currency,
"postcondition": LedgerAccountCondition,
"precondition": LedgerAccountCondition
Field Name | Description |
account - LedgerAccount! | The Ledger Account that must satisfied the provided conditions. |
currency - Currency! | The currency of the balance associated with this LedgerEntryCondition . |
postcondition - LedgerAccountCondition | The conditions that must be satisfied after the operation. |
precondition - LedgerAccountCondition | The conditions that must be satisfied prior to the operation. |
A group of Ledger Entries
"balances": LedgerEntryGroupBalanceConnection,
"created": "2007-12-03T10:15:30Z",
"dashboardUrl": "abc123",
"key": "some-safe-string-ik",
"ledger": Ledger,
"ledgerEntries": LedgerEntriesConnection,
"ledgerId": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1",
"value": "some-safe-string-ik"
Field Name | Description |
balances - LedgerEntryGroupBalanceConnection! | |
Arguments after - String Where to start paginating from, when paginating forwards. Send endCursor from a response to get its next page. Learn more about pagination. before - String Where to start paginating from, when paginating backwards. Send startCursor from a response to get the previous page. Learn more about pagination. filter - LedgerEntryGroupBalanceFilterSet first - Int The number of group balances to return per page, when paginating forwards. Defaults to 20, maximum is 200. last - Int The number of group balances to return per page, when paginating backwards. Defaults to 20, maximum is 200. | |
created - DateTime | ISO-8601 timestamp this LedgerEntryGroup was created in FRAGMENT . |
dashboardUrl - String! | URL to the FRAGMENT Dashboard for this Ledger Entry Group. |
key - SafeString! | The key of this Ledger Entry Group. |
ledger - Ledger! | The Ledger that this Ledger Entry Group is within. |
ledgerEntries - LedgerEntriesConnection! | |
Arguments after - String Where to start paginating from, when paginating forwards. Send endCursor from a response to get its next page. Learn more about pagination. before - String Where to start paginating from, when paginating backwards. Send startCursor from a response to get the previous page. Learn more about pagination. filter - LedgerEntriesFilterSet first - Int The number of Ledger Entries to return per page, when paginating forwards. Defaults to 20, maximum is 200. last - Int The number of Ledger Entries to return per page, when paginating backwards. Defaults to 20, maximum is 200. | |
ledgerId - ID! | The ID of the Ledger this Ledger Entry Group is within. |
value - SafeString! | The value associated with Ledger Entry Group. |
Represents the total effect of a Ledger Entry Group on a Ledger Account balance for a single currency.
"account": LedgerAccount,
"currency": Currency,
"ownBalance": "999999999999"
Field Name | Description |
account - LedgerAccount! | The Ledger Account whose balance is affected. |
currency - Currency! | The currency of the affected balance. |
ownBalance - Int96! | The total balance change for this Ledger Account and currency. |
Arguments consistencyMode - ReadBalanceConsistencyMode The consistency mode to use when fetching the balance. Use 'use_account' to match the configured consistency mode of the account. |
A tag attached to a Ledger Entry.
{"key": "some-safe-string-ik", "value": "some-safe-string-ik"}
Field Name | Description |
key - SafeString! | The key of this tag. |
value - SafeString! | The value associated with this tag's key. |
An instance of a Schema stored in a Workspace. A new SchemaVersion is created each time a Schema is stored. It stores the Chart of Accounts and list of Ledger Entries as well as a history of its Ledger migrations.
"created": "2007-12-03T10:15:30Z",
"json": "{"key":"value"}",
"migrations": LedgerMigrationConnection,
"version": 2277
Field Name | Description |
created - DateTime! | |
json - JSON! | |
migrations - LedgerMigrationConnection! | |
version - Int! | The version of the schema. |
Enum Value | Description |
livemode | |
testmode |
"created": "abc123",
"dashboardUrl": "abc123",
"externalAccounts": ExternalAccountsConnection,
"id": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1",
"name": "abc123",
"stripeEnv": "livemode"
Field Name | Description |
created - String! | ISO-8601 timestamp when the Link was created. |
dashboardUrl - String! | URL to the FRAGMENT Dashboard for this Link. |
externalAccounts - ExternalAccountsConnection! | A list of External Accounts associated with this Link. |
id - ID! | FRAGMENT ID of the Custom Link. |
name - String! | Name of the Link as it appears in the FRAGMENT Dashboard. |
stripeEnv - StripeEnv! | The environment of the Stripe Link, either testmode or livemode. |
Enum Value | Description |
production | |
sandbox |
"created": "abc123",
"dashboardUrl": "abc123",
"externalAccounts": ExternalAccountsConnection,
"id": "3116551f-5efc-4c9e-84ac-5a36a51b09c1",
"name": "abc123",
"unitEnv": "production"
Field Name | Description |
created - String! | ISO-8601 timestamp when the Link was created. |
dashboardUrl - String! | URL to the FRAGMENT Dashboard for this Link. |
externalAccounts - ExternalAccountsConnection! | A list of External Accounts associated with this Link. |
id - ID! | FRAGMENT ID of the Unit Link. |
name - String! | Name of the Link as it appears in the Dashboard. |
unitEnv - UnitEnv! | The environment of the Unit Link, either sandbox or production. |