H Read balances#

FRAGMENT supports querying a Ledger Account for its latest balances, historical balances and balance changes.

a. Latest


Use the ledgerAccount query to look up a Ledger Account's balance.

GetBalances query
query GetBalance(
  $ledgerAccount: LedgerAccountMatchInput!
) {
  ledgerAccount(ledgerAccount: $ledgerAccount) {
GetBalances variables
  "ledgerAccount": {
    "path": "assets/banks/user-cash",
    "ledger": {
      "ik": "quickstart-ledger"

b. Aggregated


Ledger Accounts have three balances:

  • ownBalance is the sum of all Ledger Lines posted to the Ledger Account, excluding Ledger Lines in child Ledger Accounts
  • childBalance is the sum of all Ledger Lines posted to the children of this Ledger Account
  • balance is the sum of all Ledger Lines posted to this Ledger Account and its children
GetAggregatedBalances query
query GetAggregatedBalances(
  $ledgerAccount: LedgerAccountMatchInput!
) {
  ledgerAccount(ledgerAccount: $ledgerAccount) {
GetAggregatedBalances variables
  "ledgerAccount": {
    "path": "liabilities/users"

c. Consistent


Balance reads are eventually consistent by default. This means that the balance may not reflect all the Ledger Lines in the account.

To read a strongly consistent balance, a Ledger Account must have its balances updated in a strongly consistent manner. This is set in the Schema on a Ledger Account's consistencyConfig:

Strongly consistent Ledger Accounts
  "key": "strongly-consistent-ledger-accounts",
  "name": "Strongly consistent Ledger Accounts",
  "chartOfAccounts": {
    "defaultCurrency": { "code": "USD" },
    "accounts": [
        "key": "liabilities",
        "type": "liability",
        "children": [
            "key": "users",
            "template": true,
            "consistencyConfig": {
              "ownBalanceUpdates": "strong"
            "children": [
                "key": "available",
                "consistencyConfig": {
                  "ownBalanceUpdates": "strong"
                "key": "pending"
                "key": "blocked"

Once a Ledger Account's balance is updated consistently, set the consistencyMode on balance queries to determine the consistency of the read you issue.

Strongly consistent ownBalance read
query GetStronglyConsistentBalance(
    $ledgerAccount: LedgerAccountMatchInput!
) {
  ledgerAccount(ledgerAccount: $ledgerAccount) {
    ownBalance(consistencyMode: strong)

consistencyMode can be set to:

  • strong to perform a strongly consistent balance read
  • eventual to perform an eventually consistent balance read
  • use_account to use the value of consistencyConfig.ownBalanceUpdates when performing a balance read
Strongly consistent ownBalance read variables
  "ledgerAccount": {
    "path": "liabilities/users:user-1/available",
    "ledger": {
      "ik": "quickstart-ledger"

Only ownBalance can be queried with consistencyMode: strong.

Read the Configure consistency section to learn more about FRAGMENT's consistency semantics and Ledger Account consistency modes.

d. Historical


To query the balance of a Ledger Account at a particular point in time use the at argument:

Balance queries
query GetHistoricalBalances(
  $ledgerAccount: LedgerAccountMatchInput!
) {
  ledgerAccount(ledgerAccount: $ledgerAccount) {
    end_of_year: balance(at: "1969")
    end_of_month: balance(at: "1969-07")
    end_of_day: balance(at: "1969-07-21")
    end_of_hour: balance(at: "1969-07-21T02")

If you don't specify at, you'll get the latest balance. at is supported for all balances and works granularly to the hour.

e. Balance changes


You can also query the net change on a Ledger Account over a specific reporting period. This can be useful for generating financial statements.

Similar to balances, there are three types of balance changes:

  • ownBalanceChange, how much ownBalance changed
  • childBalanceChange, how much childBalance changed
  • balanceChange, how much balance changed

Balance change queries require you to specify a period. This can be a year, quarter, month, day or hour.

Balance change queries
query GetBalanceChanges(
  $ledgerAccount: LedgerAccountMatchInput!
) {
  ledgerAccount(ledgerAccount: $ledgerAccount) {
    ownBalanceChange(period: "1969")
    childBalanceChange(period: "1969")
    balanceChange(period: "1969")
    currentYear: balanceChange(period: "1969")
    lastYear: balanceChange(period: "1968")
    lastYearQ4: balanceChange(period: "1968-Q4")
    lastYearDecember: balanceChange(period: "1968-12")
    lastYearChristmas: balanceChange(period: "1968-12-25")
    lastYearLastHour: balanceChange(period: "1968-12-31T23")

You can also perform multiple balance queries using aliases.

Balance change query variables
  "ledgerAccount": {
    "path": "liabilities/users:user-1/available",
    "ledger": {
      "ik": "quickstart-ledger"

f. Multi-currency mode


For Ledger Accounts in currencyMode: multi, use the currency argument to query the balance in a specific currency.

Multi-currency balance queries
query GetMultiCurrencyBalances(
  $ledgerAccount: LedgerAccountMatchInput!
) {
  ledgerAccount(ledgerAccount: $ledgerAccount) {
    latestUSDBalance: balance(currency: { code: USD })
    latestGBPBalance: balance(currency: { code: GBP })

      balanceChange(period: "1969", currency: { code: USD })
      balanceChange(period: "1969", currency: { code: GBP })
Multi-currency balance query variables
  "ledgerAccount": {
    "path": "liabilities/users:user-1/available",
    "ledger": {
      "ik": "quickstart-ledger"

You can also query balances in all of a multi-currency Ledger Account's currencies, see Handle currencies.

g. Timezone offsets


Balance queries respect the Ledger's balanceUTCOffset when specifying periods and times. This field is specified when creating the Ledger.

  • If a Ledger has an offset of -08:00, then querying balance(at: "1969-01-31") returns the balance at midnight PT on that date, or 8am on 1969-02-01 UTC.
  • Querying balanceChange(period: "1969") returns the net change between 8am on 1969-01-01 UTC and 8am on 1969-01-01 UTC. This gives you the net change between midnights local time.
  • Daylight savings is ignored, so every day throughout the year has exactly 24 hours.